"Teach us to use wisely all the time we have." Psalm 90:12 [CEV]

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Experiencing God in Thailand

"Taste and see that the LORD is good.
Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!"

Psalm 34:8

Today I fly out to Thailand to serve with YMA’s Immerse Thailand Mission Project. Team members from Melbourne and Perth will partner with a dedicated team of young Thai Christian leaders to facilitate this year’s Immerse English Camp from 4th-8th April in Khao Yai, NE Thailand. Around 130x teenagers plus leaders are expected at this year’s camp, with up to 50% yet to experience the genuine life transformation that can only be found in Jesus Christ.

Since 2002 Youth Ministries Australia has been developing a strategic equipping partnership with an emerging movement of young Jesus-followers from amongst the high schools  and churches of Korat in Northeast Thailand. Aussie teams of youth workers and students have taught English in schools, facilitated outreach events, discipleship training, camps, shared in churches and visited slums; seeking to interact, serve and learn whilst engaging with  the somewhat perplexing contrast of the local Isaan (NE Thailand) culture and ever-increasing Western influences.

This will be the third Immerse camp that has been hosted in Thailand. As with any short-term mission project there is always such a lot of preparation that goes on (at the local level in both sending and receiving countries) in readiness for what we can refer to as the "live-in-country" phase of  this crossing cultures experience.

It’s been wonderful to see the practical ways God’s people from across our country have stepped in to support this Project, especially through sacrificial giving and prayer. It’s so encouraging to fly out to Thailand knowing this Immerse camp (accommodation and catering for students and leaders, transport, printed resources and more) have been sponsored by the generosity of the Body of Christ here in Australia. I‘m in no doubt that God will bring a good return on this investment – I’m convinced we shall indeed see produced some fruit that will last.

I’m also excited to see the growing ownership amongst a team of young Thai Christians, each playing their part through programs such as Immerse to serve and influence their own generation.

I love returning to Thailand. I love the stimulation of the senses provoked by such an amazing array of sights, sounds, tastes and aromas. I love being welcomed and moved by the humility, hospitality and gentle spirit of the Thai people. I love the way Christians of all ages display an unashamed joy and passion for the God they worship. And, I love experiencing the authentic ways God “turns up” to reveal Himself, His heart and His genuine desire to bring hope and restoration to an emerging generation who respond so well to story, the biblical meta-narrative and the compelling love of Christ found in authentic Christian community.

As I fly out to Thailand, I take with me an expectant heart, with the assured belief that our mighty God will do more than any of us can ask or imagine – ready to experience first-hand the expressions of joy from all those who choose to take their refuge in Him.

I hope to post of few updates as this Project continues over the next few weeks.

“The LORD will indeed give what is good, and our land will yield its harvest. Righteousness goes before him and prepares the way for his steps." Psalm 85:12,13