"Teach us to use wisely all the time we have." Psalm 90:12 [CEV]

Saturday, September 29, 2012

An invitation I could not refuse.


“May God be gracious to us and bless us 
and make his face shine upon us, that your ways may be known on earth,   your salvation among all nations.”                      Psalm 67:1,2             

This week marks the ten year anniversary of my first cross-cultural ministry and equipping experience in Thailand. The last week of September 2002 was also significant in that it was the first time I had ever ventured beyond Australian shores; especially considering how, ten years earlier I had said (to God); “I will never leave Australia, even for ministry!”

This new opportunity came about through the persistent requests of Ian, a good mate of mine whom I had grown to love and respect through our association with Youth Ministries Australia (YMA) in Perth. We shared a kindred spirit for God, young people, making disciples and for equipping leaders in the local church context.  Ian had left Perth and moved back to Singapore with his family, where he had been studying and was serving as a youth pastor in a large Great Commission-minded sending church.

Ian’s church was being intentional about church planting and supporting a network of pastors in the city of Korat (Nakhon Rachasima) in North East Thailand. Ian had been invited to help facilitate five nights of translated youth ministry equipping for pastors and emerging leaders in Korat.

I can recall that on several occasions during that year I received emails form Ian inviting me to come to Thailand and help with this training, using some of the YMA material as a framework. I must admit that each communication seemed to strengthen the tug on my heart – I sensed the Lord of the harvest was getting my attention and wanted me to go. In fact, I felt compelled to go; to check things out in this very different context.

I also believed God didn’t want me to go alone to Thailand. It wasn’t practical for my wife Judy to come (earlier that year we had relocated to Sydney from Perth and we had four young children at the time). It made sense to intentionally take someone with me to serve as an authentic model of discipleship, especially to those whom we would be ministering amongst in Korat.

I invited a young youth pastor named Des to accompany me to Thailand. Des was serving in our local church in Sydney where we had become good friends. When I approached Des he confirmed how God had been working on his heart and so we prepared for our trip to Thailand.

The moment I stepped onto foreign soil in Thailand I felt a deep sense of peace and security, that this was the right place to be.

What ensued over the next week or so was a captivating cross-cultural experience for me personally - I had been privileged to be given a taste of Thailand and I knew that I wanted more; that God would enable me to bring others back to experience what I had been through. I also believed that YMA could play an ongoing role in equipping the Thai church and a younger generation in Korat.

There were many highlights from my first visit to Korat; re-engaging with my good mate Ian; receiving generous hospitality; serving amongst God’s people in a vastly different context; singing praises in different languages; witnessing such a deep passion for Jesus; eating amazing food; late night conversations with Des.

Probably the main highlight for me was meeting a young leader from Korat named Tong. There was something about Tong which stood out. Here was a local guy who was respected amongst his peers,  had a heart for Jesus, was fun to be with and was teachable – I sensed that Tong wanted more and that God would use him in his city. I didn’t get to share lot of time alone with Tong, but I know we enjoyed interacting during a busy week (it really helped that Tong had a good grasp of English, unlike my very limited understanding of Thai!).

Whilst I was looking forward to returning home to my family, I found it difficult to leave Thailand. God had given me a burden for the Land of Smiles and for the Thai people – I knew I would be back in the future, with others. God had opened the way to contribute something of worth and I wanted to play my part.

As I reflect back over the last ten years of involve- ment in Thailand, there is much to praise and thank God for...

~ Tong has emerged as God’s person-of-peace, planted in Korat where he has been envisioned to steward an emerging movement of young disciple-makers. I count it a joy and a privilege to be considered a friend and mentor to Tong - God has enriched my life through knowing him.

~ We’ve seen the mobilisation of multiple short-term mission project teams comprised of missionary colleagues, youth leaders, schools workers and students from Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth. Projects have featured the provision of translated resources and equipping events, high school English teaching and more recently Immerse (Story of God) student camps. 

~ God’s people throughout Australia have prayed and generously donated sponsorship funds.

~ On several occasions YMA has hosted Tong, selected team members and students from Thailand here in Australia, providing timely opportunities for hands-on equipping, coaching and partnership development.

~ What a joy to hear of numerous young people coming to faith in Christ, being nurtured in the things of God whilst being empowered to make a difference in their local communities. Praise God for the birth of The Light Church and for multiple baptisms in recent times – God is surely moving in Korat!
I thank God for allowing me to be a part of this grand Great Commission adventure in Thailand – what a journey it has been thus far.

I thank God for recruiting me into an Organisation that has at it's core an unwavering commitment to doing whatever it takes to win, build, train and send people for Jesus.

And, I also thank God for the persistent requests of a good mate back in 2002 – I’m so pleased I was prompted to take up the invitation to get on board what God is doing in the Land of Smiles.

I’ve uploaded a short video of my first Thailand experience to youtube – it features some footage of Des, myself, Tong and Ian.

YMA is a ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ Australia (CCCA). 

CCCA’s vision is;
“To see spiritual movements everywhere so that everyone 
knows someone who truly follows Jesus.”