"Teach us to use wisely all the time we have." Psalm 90:12 [CEV]

Saturday, October 16, 2010

busy and rushed?

“The branch of the vine does not worry, and toil, and rush here to seek for sunshine, and there to find rain. No; it rests in union and communion with the vine; and at the right time, and in the right way, is the right fruit found on it. Let us so abide in the Lord Jesus.’

Hudson Taylor

Our local church pastor Matt spoke recently about God’s creation and our responsibility as God’s people to be good and wise stewards of our environment. He also said how it is important for us to take time to regularly slow down enough to appreciate God’s creation, where we might have opportunity to receive a fresh revelation from God as we look, listen and ponder the beauty and uniqueness of what God has designed for our enjoyment and appreciation.

Matt also spoke about the challenges associated with the busyness of life and how we can so easily become people who are hurried and rushed and who worry too much about what’s before us and what needs to be done. As I’ve thought about these comments I’ve been reminded that when I consider the life of Jesus as portrayed in the N.T. gospels I see someone who was consistently busy; often on the go, often teaching and helping others, often in demand.

Jesus, it seems, had very little time to himself and even then he made it his priority to get up early or to get away to a solitary place where he could be alone with His Father.

Whilst Jesus was often busy he never really appeared to be hurried or rushed.

My wife Judy and I have been chatting about this during this past week. I think we often feel both busy AND rushed…

I know that Judy craves the warmer weather and the longer hours of daylight, for it is then that she can take some regular time to get outside into our garden, to retreat from the busyness of life, to appreciate the beauty and diversity of Gods creation; to quite literally smell the roses.

This morning I did something a little unusual for someone who is not know for his spontaneity! With the local weather forecast predicting the likelihood of snow falling on nearby Mt Dandenong (an unusual event in itself) I bundled the kids up and we headed out the door at 7.00am, in search of snow.

Once on the mountain we parked the car and hiked up towards the highest point. We were the only ones there at the time (it was still pretty early!). The kids loved the sense of expectancy and adventure. I also appreciated the majesty and beauty of God’s creation in our midst, including numerous tall trees, crisp clean air, sunlight through fog and more. We did find some snow – not a lot, but enough for the kids to gather in their hands and to make into a few snowballs to throw at each other – it was such an easy, inexpensive and memorable thing to do on a chilly Saturday morning with people I love.

May God help each of us in the midst of our busy lives to take the time to appreciate His awesome creation, to be a little more spontaneous, to be less rushed, less hurried, to rest in union and communion with Jesus, the vine.

“Remain in me, and I will remain in you…’ John 15:4

1 comment:

  1. Great post Dave. Good on ya for going all impulsive... some times the best things in life are the surprises we find on the way to nowhere in particular. Love the photo's as well.
