"Teach us to use wisely all the time we have." Psalm 90:12 [CEV]

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Experiencing God in Thailand part 2

“I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.” Isaiah 46:4b                                                                                                    
What a wonder-full week we’ve shared at this year’s Immerse Thailand English Camp in Khao Yai…undeniably an inspiring and transformational experience for so many!

As has been the case in previous years, we have seen God’s hand at work. The young Thai leadership team have stepped up their involvement and are obviously maturing in their faith and their desire to serve. Around 100 or so Thai students attended camp, plus a combined team of 30+ leaders, all mostly volunteers. Approx 30% of students were Christians coming into the camp. The Family of God had welcomed more children into the fold by end of camp!

This year’s camp saw us pilot a new Immerse (Story of God) program YMA is developing, framed around the 'Presence’ story episode (life and ministry of Jesus). It has been a lot of work, seemed to flow quite well, with valuable insights gained for how to improve this, especially from a cross-cultural perspective. The Thai team did an awesome job in providing all the necessary creative resources to compliment the program.

Yesterday the YMA team shared an affirming time reflecting about the camp at a local Korat coffee shop.

One of the questions we addressed was;

“During your time at Immerse what stands out as a defining moment for your experience?”

Here’s a summary of some of the personal responses from our team;

*The Thursday evening response time – witnessing a powerful expression of both established and new Christian young people drawn together into an authentic community of faith.

*everyone’s an ‘expert’ – God uses everyone; whatever age, experience, maturity or ethnic background.

*seeing God move in the heart of our (Christian) camp translator, who was deeply impacted by the servanthood of young Thai leaders and the demonstrated commitment of a young generation rising up to make a difference for Jesus in their own country.

*”Kingdom of the forgotten” experience – Thai students testifying to how they could relate their story to the stories of broken people from within their culture. Then, observing the sensitive way the Thai leaders affirmed these students as people, lovingly bringing God’s perspective into each life narrative.

*Blessed by the spirit of love and compassion of the young Thai team, especially evident during daily team devotion times.

*To observe the obvious growth amongst the emerging Thai leaders (from last year) – many are still such young Christians yet they are being mobilised into practical service and thriving in it.

We praise God for the work He is doing here in Thailand. And, we’re thankful for the support offered from His people back in Australia - today the YMA team will share with God’s people by ‘doing church’ in several contexts…this promises to provide yet another rich taste of Christian community with God moving in our midst.

“I am bringing my righteousness near, it is not far away; and my salvation will not be delayed."      
Isaiah 46:13a

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