"Teach us to use wisely all the time we have." Psalm 90:12 [CEV]

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Definition of 'juggle' (Encarta Dictionary): 

to try to make something fit into a satisfactory pattern or schedule      by careful arranging;

to keep adjusting your grip or stance in order to balance objects       being held;

to keep several objects in motion in the air at the same time by throwing them and catching them in quick succession.

When I was in primary school we had someone come in to try and teach us how to juggle. I can vaguely remember some kind of class instruction session taking place out on the school oval with a group of us being shown how to start juggling using just one ball in one hand (go figure!). We were told to keep our eyes on the ball whilst it was in the air. After a while we progressed to juggling two balls (still using only the one hand) and then some time later we attempted to introduce a third ball into the mix, using both hands.

We had a lot of fun as we attempted to master the art of juggling. For a while there were probably more balls hitting the ground than staying in the air, but eventually, with some practice I can recall that I actually started to get the hang of it…finding some rhythm…keeping my eyes on the balls in the air…not dropping too many, too often.

I think the novelty of trying to perfect this new technique lasted me a few weeks at best. Around home I had a go at juggling three balls and sometimes more, but I soon lost interest – maybe it was because my hands weren’t large enough to hold all the balls properly or that I just couldn’t be bothered practising. Maybe it was simply because I found something more exciting for me to get into.

From time-to-time, I’m reminded of my early attempts of learning how to juggle. I’ve occasionally seen someone performing on one of those TV talent shows, managing to keep a number of balls or bowling pins or flaming torches in the air without dropping any, even as additional items are introduced to the performance. I once watched a guy at a Sydney railway station juggling with working chainsaws whilst perched high on a modified uni-cycle – pretty risky business, but he seemed to know what he was doing and he still had all his limbs!!

In recent months the term ‘juggling’ has become a regular part of my vocabulary; specifically relating to the multiple ministry balls (roles, tasks and people) I’m needing to manage at the moment.

The Lord has been stretching my capacity to serve beyond one or two specified (and familiar) areas of responsibility - He’s introduced a few new ‘balls’. Whilst I’m certainly up for the challenge, I’m becoming ever so conscious of having to concentrate intently just to keep my eyes on the (right) balls; not wanting to drop any.

The challenge not to drop the ball extends beyond my vocational commitments. There are other people in my life I care deeply for – they also deserve my focused attention. There’s my immediate family and my extended family. There are those ministry partners who faithfully support me in my calling. There’s my local church involvement. And, of course, there’s my relationship with Jesus.  

Consequently I’m finding the need to make some adjustments to help maintain focus and balance.

One such adjustment has been to lower my own expectations of myself. I find this difficult as by nature I’m a perfectionist -  I’m into doing things right and I like to be well organised!  I need to accept the reality that there is a limit to what I can achieve (even in God’s strength) each day.

The words of Moses (he was a juggler!) found in Psalm 90 speak to me in this regard;

 “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”  Ps 90:12

Another adjustment I’ve been learning to make has been about what I say ‘yes’ to, when I have the opportunity to make a choice.

And yet another adjustment has to do with maintaining a reasonable degree of margin in my schedule, even when life is hectic.

With this in mind, I've intentionally carved out some personal retreat time for these next few days.

I’ll be heading down the coast, alone. I need to set aside my regular juggling routine to simply ‘be’.  

I’m desperate for some uninterrupted, unhurried time with God. I want to wait on Him. I’m asking Him to restore my soul. I’m hopeful that through this time I will gain some fresh perspective - maybe even some fresh revelation.

No doubt, my juggling ‘act of service’ will continue once I return from my retreat; but at least for a few days I can appreciate the opportunity of not having to worry too much about dropping any balls.

I will close this post with a few questions to ponder;

1. How many 'balls' are you presently juggling - can you name them?

2. What can you do to ensure you keep your eyes on each ball?

3. Can you identify any adjustments required to maintain balance? 

"Yet the news about him spread all the more, so that crowds of people came to hear him and to be healed of their sicknesses. But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed." Luke 5:15,16

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