"Teach us to use wisely all the time we have." Psalm 90:12 [CEV]

Friday, August 27, 2010

God's additions

“Sharing what God is doing in your life may help someone else encounter God in a meaningful way.” Henry Blackaby

I really enjoyed sitting in on today’s New Missionary Orientation sessions at the Campus Crusade for Christ [CCCA] National Mission Centre here in Melbourne.

It’s always refreshing to meet some of the new people God is calling to join the Movement, often from a variety of backgrounds and locations. I appreciate hearing their stories and gaining some insights into how God has been working in their lives, to the point where they are convinced of His calling and are willing to trust Him to provide to meet their needs as they serve and follow Jesus.

I was reminded today of something Henry Blackaby (Experiencing God study series) has said;

“I pay close attention to the people God adds to the body.”

Blackaby suggests that God doesn’t add people to any local expression of the body of Christ accidently. He further contends that God builds the Body to match His specific assignments.

With this in mind I wonder what God might up to with these new members of the CCCA body, and what assignments He intends for them to help complete.

Also, I pray I will pay close attention to any new additons God may be introducing to the expressions of team and local church I'm associated with.

“So in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.”
Romans 12:5

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