"Teach us to use wisely all the time we have." Psalm 90:12 [CEV]

Monday, August 23, 2010


“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven…” Ecclesiates 3:1

Having lived in Melbourne for a few years now, Judy and I would happily describe ourselves as locals. We enjoy living in this city, especially in the surrounds of our local suburb of Lilydale; gateway to the scenic Yarra Valley.

Melbourne people often joke about the weather here, as do people from interstate who come to visit! As locals we identify well with what people say about Melbourne being a place where you can experience four seasons in one day - in fact, one of the things that Judy appreciates the most about living here is the fact that the weather is so changeable!

This Melbourne Winter has been particularly cold, grey and often gloomy. There hasn’t been much sunshine, most days haven’t risen above 13 degrees and many people have copped their fair share of colds and flu.

I find it interesting to observe how the gloominess of the natural Winter season seems to be reflected in how people can feel personally - it can be a discouraging, even depressing time of year.

At a personal level, I have consistently found Winter to be a season when it is quite natural to go into a state of spiritual hibernation – my own spiritual disciplines tend to move at a much slower pace. I have to work and pray hard not to allow my faith to lay dormant. I must say that I’m pleased to see some emerging evidence that Spring is just around the corner – it’s time!

The Bible makes it clear that it is God Who ordains the seasons (see Genesis 1:14, Psalm 104:19, Daniel 2:21). The Book of Ecclesiastes speaks about a variety of contrasting seasons…seasons of life – this raises several interesting questions for me, particularly as a person of faith;

Can I identify the season (of life) I am presently experiencing?

Can I accept this season as God’s season for me at this time?

Can I recognise the signs of transition towards any new season that may be approaching?

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed this post Dave. One thing that I have noticed more this year as Spring approaches is that no matter what control we think we have... the seasons come upon us with certainty. As morning follows night, spring follows winter. I too am looking forward to the new season that is about to break upon us. My prayer, like yours, is that I would not miss the signs that a new season is fast approaching. Looking.
